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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Wednesday, February 04, 2004

(Family and kin) Brother's wife's brother (sadonjigan) 2

Prosecutors' investigation into the case of the 65 billion W (43 mil. €) fund collected pres. Roh's older brother's brother-in-law is growing, and the opposition parties have pointed out suspicioins that it may have been intended as a slush fund for the coming parliamentary election. I didn't intend to touch the subject, but I run up to the picture below. (Linked from The Independent, through Hankyoreh's bulletin board.) (My previous entry.) Min boasted in an interview that he had collected a 65 billion won investment fund, but it turned out that he had no registered investment company and no formal contracts with the investors, and many other things also gave reason for suspicions.

Min has now been arrested
(Chosun Ilbo; Chosun's Min Kyông-ch'an investigation special), and his home and office have been searched.

Hankyoreh's latest article (from Yonhap); links to further articles at the bottom of the page.

Sadonjigan in the header means "in-law relation", this time referring to the relation between pres. Roh and the wildly succesful fund collector Min. Min is Roh's older brother's wife's (most likely) younger brother. "Older brother's wife" is hyôngsu(nim), but as there is no term (as far as I know...) for older brother's wife's younger brother, Min is referred to as "Roh's sadon". He is also called "Roh's older brother's brother-in-law", which is of course much more compact in Korean, hyôngûi ch'ônam or ch'inhyôngûi ch'ônam, in case ch'in ("real") is added to distinguish "actual older brother" from a friendship relation (or from a gangster organization) in which kin terms are used.

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